Grid Listparticipation
ICPP → 600 Highwaymenartist interviewsparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
600 Highwaymen /
Abigail Browde and Michael Silverstone
photographsparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
600 Highwaymen /
Abigail Browde and Michael Silverstone
photographsparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
600 Highwaymen /
Abigail Browde and Michael Silverstone
notesparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
600 Highwaymen /
Abigail Browde and Michael Silverstone
scriptsparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
600 Highwaymen /
Abigail Browde and Michael Silverstone
notesparticipation, scoring, scriptwriting, sociality2021
Kaneza Schaaldrawingsborders, digital intimacy, intercultural, mapping, memory, migration, participation, pattern, refugee, scoring, scriptwriting, storytelling2021